person reaching out to a robot

How AI can make you more productive, boost effectiveness and help you win the day

You’ve probably noticed that AI tools such as ChatGPT have been heavily discussed recently. People have also been discussing whether artificial intelligence will replace humans in the near future. Whilst that is a discussion for a later date, it is important to focus on the positives and to work out how AI can make you more productive.

How I’ve used AI to be more productive

Blog post ideas

Whilst using keyword tools such as the Google Keyword tool, UberSuggest and Keywords Everywhere and sites such as Keywords People Use, Reddit and Quora offer great insights into keywords and topic ideas, I have found that AI tools are just as useful. For example, you might have a blog on guitar playing, and you might be struggling with ideas. Well, ChatGPT can help with that.

Search query
The results

How easy is that?

It took ChatGPT a minute or two to create a list of blog topics which are all relevant to guitar playing. Of course, you will still need to do some additional planning, headline research, blog planning etc.

You could even use this tool or Jasper AI to create entire blog content. However, Google does have rules against using automated content to manipulate search ranking results. For more information check out Google’s guidelines

Creating images

There are many resources online that offer paid and free images for your projects, however, what if you are struggling to find what you are looking for?

You could hire a graphic designer, or perhaps give an AI tool such as Craiyon a try. Simply type a keyword, wait a couple of minutes and see the amazing, or perhaps bizarre results.

Here are some results

man on the beach playing guitar

From the initial viewing, these look great, however, on closer inspection, they aren’t perfect. Human features don’t look normal. For the time being, AI is great for basic images but perhaps not for self-portraits.

Planning and scheduling

I have also used ChatGPT for planning and creating schedules. For example, I wanted to see if it could create a guitar practice routine. The reason is that there are many guides online or in magazines and I didn’t want to wade through all the noise, so I used AI to create one for me. I liked it, I then added it to my calendar so that when I get reminded to practice the guitar every day, I can see what I should practice.

I have also used this for a workout routine and meal planning. For me, using AI for these sorts of questions really could you save time and be more productive by getting answers instead of searching online. Of course, do your own research before following any type of workout plan.

How to…

Another tip for how AI can make you more productive is by asking it how to do something. This could be from ideas on how to make a curry or write a cover letter. The possibilities are almost endless. There are certain topics it won’t touch, including investing. For such topics try YouTube or hire an investment coach.

General queries

It should be no surprise that Microsoft are incorporating ChatGPT into the Bing search engine, and Google is looking at adding its own AI tool. Search engines are going to change over the next few years I predict. For me, I do use ChatGPT for queries on how things such as questions to ask in an interview, writing a cover letter and also on less important topics such as what musicians/artists made it late in life – just in case you need some inspiration.

Even writing a document or an email can be helped with AI. Gmail now includes predictive text which can save you time typing a sentence. I can see such ideas being incorporated into more systems.

There are of course issues with using AI too much, and it must be said that the human touch and emotional feel can’t be replaced, at least not yet. So use the tools to save time writing a blog post, song or letter. But, don’t over-rely on them too much.