Showing 64 Result(s)

Show Your Work Quick Review

I first heard about Austin Kleon’s book, Show Your Work on Ali Abdaal’s YouTube channel. After a good review I decided to purchase my own copy, and here’s why you should too. From the author of Steal like an artist, this book is for anyone that considers themselves a creative, a business owner or with …

The Practicing Mind

I have a thing for listening to self-development books on Audible. I find that I am more engaged and I digest the information faster when reading; even though I still love to read. The Practicing Mind was a joy to listen to. At a runtime of 3 hours and 51 minutes, the writer manages to …

Journey up the stairs

My Productivity Journey

This blog is here to document my productivity journey. As well as giving people insights into how they can improve their productivity and wellbeing. I was a programmer for approximately nine years, developing websites and web-based systems. I studied at The Unversity of Central Lancashire doing Multimedia Development. At the beginning of my career, I …

Why do we use SASS?

So SASS is something that I have been aware of for a while now, but it is only recently that I have started to properly use it. This might seem a bit confusing, or perhaps embarrassing, but it is quite common within the tech world to ‘put off’ using new technology. I have been to …

Creating a weather app using HTML and JS

This will be blog post #1 of a new series where I will showcase a new project that I have created either from a tutorial or a work project. To create a web app that shows the weather I used HTML, JavaScript and Bootstrap. I used JavaScript to connect a weather API, and AJAX to …

Learning Laravel for PHP

Improving my knowledge and skillset is something that I love to do and I felt that learning learning Laravel for PHP was something that I needed to learn. But what is Laravel? And should you start learning Laravel for PHP? If you are someone like myself that has come from an ASP.Net(dot net) background then …

How to make a clickable image link in HTML

A question that I recently came across recently was about how to make a clickable image link in HTML.  A clickable image can be a fun and unique way of linking a user to another page, instead of using a text-link. The process is to create an anchor tag, whichever you prefer it to by. …

How to buy a domain

What do you do when you have your website created? Do you know which platform to host with? Do know how to buy a domain? Purchasing and assigning a domain to your website is not overly difficult, but if it is your first time, it can be a bit overwhelming.  What is a web domain?  …