Showing 6 Result(s)

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

Legendary record producer Rick Rubin writes and narrates The Creative Act: A Way of Being; a book that is less biographical and more spiritual and sits in the realm of self-help. If you are unaware of Rick Rubin, he is a producer who helped pave the way for hip-hop in the United States and has …

Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger

I listened to this on Audible. It is written and narrated by Arnold Schwarzenegger. I imagine this would be one of those books where you can hear the author’s voice as you read. However, as I listened to the audiobook I was pleased to hear his voice narrate his words. He is a man with …

Keep Going by Austin Kleon: Book Review

Who’s it for Artists, writers, musicians, and anyone wanting to live a more creative and productive life. What it’s about in a nutshell I have previously written a book review about an Austin Kleon book, Show Your Work. In that publication, the writer discusses the importance and necessity of showing your work to the work …

Show Your Work Quick Review

I first heard about Austin Kleon’s book, Show Your Work on Ali Abdaal’s YouTube channel. After a good review I decided to purchase my own copy, and here’s why you should too. From the author of Steal like an artist, this book is for anyone that considers themselves a creative, a business owner or with …

The Practicing Mind

I have a thing for listening to self-development books on Audible. I find that I am more engaged and I digest the information faster when reading; even though I still love to read. The Practicing Mind was a joy to listen to. At a runtime of 3 hours and 51 minutes, the writer manages to …