I have a thing for listening to self-development books on Audible. I find that I am more engaged and I digest the information faster when reading; even though I still love to read. The Practicing Mind was a joy to listen to. At a runtime of 3 hours and 51 minutes, the writer manages to help deliver what he promises in the book’s tagline; bringing discipline and focus into your life.
The writer, Sterner also narrates the book. This is something that I like, as I feel that it gives the words an extra purpose and meaning. The voice really means and understands what is being said because it is he that wrote them.
I feel as though listening to this audiobook came at an appropriate time. I, like a lot of creative thinkers, am constantly looking at what others are doing or comparing themselves to what successful people were doing before they ‘made it. This book has taught me to essentially concentrate on doing a task, and doing that task to the best of one’s ability.
That is something that we have been taught long ago, but it is something that can be hard to do in today’s fast-paced society. It compares Western society to Eastern society and how in sport, some Eastern methodologies are being used in the West to help athletes compete more successfully.
The book also describes wonderfully how a seed transforms into a flower, and that the seed does not worry about whether or not it will become a flower. Nor does the seed compare itself to other flowers, or even compare itself to a tree, wondering how it can be the biggest in the forest. The same is true for toddlers and babies. They do not fret or worry about having to learn how to talk, they take it to step by step.
The writer is a musician which I found interesting, and it is touched upon on various points. He mentions that some adults can get frustrated when learning an instrument because they aren’t seeing results fast enough. Yet, they missing the point as they are comparing success to people that have been playing for years and are a deemed an expert
There are many other great examples, but the key takeaway is that we are exactly where we need to be, right now. Whilst it is good to have BIG goals, constantly looking at the end goal can lead to frustration. Taking something step by step and enjoying the journey is what is important. Because you will never get to where you want to be. There will also be another hurdle or another goal. This idea can be applied to most things, playing the guitar for example. You could say that you have mastered playing the blues style, but what about the other styles of guitar music…Funk, rock, jazz, Spanish/flamenco, and so forth.
Do what you do, and do it well, and do it because you enjoy it, and not because someone else is doing it and it looks ‘cool’.
If you are considering a new self-development book/audiobook, or you need some guidance with your focus in life, then do yourself a favour and purchase The Practicing Mind, today.
Originally published on JoshLister.com